Sr. UX Specialist

Empresa: MediaMonks Buenos Aires SRL
País: Argentina
Ciudad: Buenos Aires
Dirección: El Salvador 5137

Do you deeply understand digital interfaces, the users, and know precisely how to engage them? MediaMonks is in the market for someone who can create the best user experience that this planet has ever seen and is willing to work in exchange for a monthly bribe and a Fortune 500 portfolio. In this senior capacity, you’ll be joining an international team in dreaming up the UX of badass digital work. This position is based on our Buenos Aires office.

As a Sr. UX Specialist, you’ll be conspiring with creatives, designers and copywriters to engage audiences of up to a few hundred thousand on behalf of the world's leading advertising agencies. We bank on your ability to translate creative concepts into functional user interfaces that will enhance the user engagement and the achievement of projects KPIs. To see how your future coworkers have done this in the past year, lean back for our 2015 Mixtape. We’re curious to learn where you would put your own work on this two-minute visual spectrum.

For this position, we’re looking for someone with a proven track record. Someone with the qualifications and ambitions to assume a senior role within our creativity & design department. As you might imagine, the ability to read and write English is a must. Your colleagues come from all over the world, so the skill to swear in several languages will also stand you in good stead. If you meet this profile, you should definitely apply and tell us about yourself and your work, but please just do so through our website, only those will be considered for the position. We’d love to meet you.

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