LatinSpots Ranking

LatinSpots Ranking 2009: The 2009´s best, reveal the challenges facing 2010

For the fifth year in a row, LatinSpots presents its complete analysis for both Regional and Worldwide main festivals which will allow a better understanding in Ibero-america´s performance, based on the points achieved in those festivals for each one of the countries, for the most outstanding companies and the more renown professionals in the field throughout 2009. With this wide report as a staring point we can begin to see and analyze which were the best agencies, sponsors, production companies and networks in the Region; as well as to uncover which were the most award-winning pieces from January to December 2009, considering that it was a fundamental year for the integration in order to counteract the effects of the economical crisis. In this article, the 2009 LatinSpots Ranking, with all of the necessary information for understanding the future tendencies and to get to know the credentials with which the companies begin the year 2010.

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