English Translation

David Lubars: BBDO is a boutique but in style

That's how David Lubars, chairman and chief creative officer at BBDO New York, describes the agency chosen as the best at Cannes 2008 and the one heading the Gunn Report. Future chairman at the Film & Press of Cannes festival, Lubars recognizes that: "everything has changed except for the obligation to call the attention of the consumer". And he knows how it is like, because he is the creator of the BMW films that made Cannes create the Titanium category, and the brain behind the Voyeur campaign for HBO-which last year took two Grand Prix at the same event. In this interview, there's much more of one of the most influential men of the world advertising who simply points out that: "My secret? I do know what things I do wrong and try to surround myself with people that do it well, much better than me".

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