
Tham Khai Meng: Lighting the Ogilvy flame

After the good results that have been accomplished over the last years, mainly in El Ojo de Iberoamérica Clio and Cannes, Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide is still top ranked in the creativity and business arenas. In this sense, Tham Khai Meng, Worldwide Chief Creative Officer of the network since 2009, was grateful for the work of his Latin-American teams, for the work of Gastón Bigio and Marcos Golfarí, and pointed out: "since the very first minute I started working at Ogilvy, I laid my eyes on Latin America, and we lit the creative flame across the region." In the following interview, Khai, that will be the president of the Film and Print Jury at Cannes 2012, analyzes the development of the network over the last year, speaks about the meeting of the top 15 agencies of the world in Cusco, Peru, and explains his view on the influence of social media on the industry nowadays.

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