
Sheung Yan Lo: Leverage the environment and the behavior of the people

Sheung Yan Lo: Leverage the environment and the behavior of the people

Sheung Yan Lo joined JWT in 1996 and, since that moment on, he has produced many top ads for China’s advertising industry. In fact, he won the first Gran Prix for the country at Cannes Lions in 2011 with Samsonite’s press ad, Heaven and Hell, and LatinSpots, as always ahead in the industry, covered the story last year, projecting world’s talent into the region. What’s more, the Executive Creative Director of the network in North East Asia will make history once again by becoming the first Chinese jury head at Cannes, and will lead the Outdoor category. In this interview, he talks about the criteria he will have to judge the works, the consumer’s behavior and the balance of the agency in the last months.

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